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Bettina Berger

Bettina Berger is co-founder and a partner in Joyia Consulting

The fact that no M&A project is like another is what makes Bettina’s heart beat a little faster. Due to her accounting expertise, she doesn’t miss a single figure, and her passion for IT forms the basis for complex data analysis. She combines expert knowledge with an open mind; she keeps calm even in the most hectic circumstances, and knows how to valiantly pursue client objectives with empathy.

Bettina has never been confined to just one drawer in the chest: she has many interests, and earlier in her professional career she worked as a manager for famous musicians. That experience of working with artists made her not only an excellent negotiator, but also helped her in promoting corporate objectives with all project partners.

In her next life…
…Bettina will invent Excel functionalities, or run a farm with an attached co-working space.
+49 89 44237560

Diplom-Kauffrau, LL.M. M&A
Certificate in International Accounting (CINA®)

Key services

Transaction Services
Accounting Advisory
Project Management


How do you become a transaction specialist? During some exciting years in the international music and entertainment industry, Bettina’s curiosity for strategy, context, people and processes drew her into her first M&A project.

After this entry point, intrigued by the diversity of topics, Bettina was involved – as a consultant with KPMG audit experience – in many top-tier M&A deals. Her responsibility is to study the Financial Due Diligence details, verify facts and figures in the transaction negotiations, prepare appropriate purchase agreement regulations in close cooperation with her expert colleagues, and to implement such regulations after the closing. Her team members regularly appreciate her Excel capabilities.

Bettina holds a degree in Business Administration (Diplom-Kauffrau) and a Master of Laws in Mergers and Acquisition. She studied at the University of Muenster, and holds a Certificate in International Accounting (CINA®).

Bettina is a member of the «Global Digital Women» network. However, once she’s out on one of her favourite hiking trips, she also enjoys some «analogue» free time. Whether it’s at a hip hop concert or an opera house; whether in the artist’s workshop or at a national gallery – Bettina has a great sense for cultural vibes. If one day had more than 24 hours, Bettina would certainly rejoin her showjumping team and learn another computer language.

Prior to Joyia Consulting


BAY Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Head of M&A / Transaction Services

PKF Industrie- und Verkehrstreuhand GmbH
Senior Conultant Transaction Services

Bertelsmann Music Group
International label / product management